- setlist survey

results for 2025Feb11

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Song Results

SongVotespotential songleaders (not nec. voters)
I Got You (I Feel Good)

structure: First X note is "HEY"
at end, "HEY", pause, drumbeat, pause, stinger
Low Rider

perfnotes: forward and back dancing
but under 3 it's more free crazy dancing
structure: bass intro
1 is trumpets fanfare
2 is followup
3 is trombones low rider
4 is everyone "take a little trip"
5 is ending

solo 2
solo 2
Sweet Dreams daveed arrangement

perfnotes: Intro stacked bass drum + tuba, bones, sax+trumpets, percussion

1, 2 parts should be played with a light staccato percussive feel with a driving rock beat

3 section lyrical bridge rhythm changes to flowing "3 clave" pattern. there is an option for a lyrical soprano saxophone solo over the top

4 quieter dynamics, staccato, driving rock beat with light percussion emphasis, crescendo to /loud three-note hits at end then enter 0 soft again

Outro repeats intro. last 4 bars bass drum tuba trombone only.

structure: Basic form:
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 Outro

Section 0 has 8 bars total, 4 bars repeated ( the left repeat bracket, at start, is not shown!) and the first time we play it is stacking: 2 bars tuba only, then 2 bars add bones, then 4 bars everybody! The second time we play 0 everybody plays whole thing all 8 bars.

0 Intro
1 "sweet dreams are made of these"
2 "some of them want to use U"
3 lyrical bridge
4 "hold your head up"

(Outro is same as 0 first time through, but unstacking)

We ignore the written repeats around sections 1-2-3!
5 Daveed, Dom, (Ben)
Mad World

perfnotes: Play song at 140 bpm. Keep a good pace (don't drag), upbeat general tone
structure: As written; end on beat 4 of last measure

Soft for BOTH sections 2 and 4
3 Noam, Declan, Dan (Marsha, Ben)
Hurricane Season

3 Dan, Declan (Ben, Marsha)
You Don't Wanna Go To War

structure: As written -
D (first: no bass/drums, second, no drums, then all)

For optional solo after part 4 first time, then part 1 comes in under solo halfway through
3 Eze, Kirk, Declan
Moliendo Cafe

structure: with an intro and outro called “hits”. the intro stacks (bass, add trombones, add woodwinds + trumpets, add trumpets higher).

1 is main melody OR solos
2 is trombone melody

alternate 1,2, so like 1 2 1 (solo) 2 1 end
3 Kirk, (Tim)
Give Me One Reason

perfnotes: Swing left-then-right-then- left in time. vocals by Jennifer then Lynette. Jen put bullhorn higher when done, for Lynette
structure: intro / head, repeat alternating instr (4-bar melody splits) & vocals / signal "C" means to head last time (into coda/end after bar 6)

good bet:
bass, then plus vamp
"small solos" breaking up the melody into 3
vocal solo
all play melody
free solo
small solos
vocal solo
all play melody into coda
2 Kirk (Ben, Marsha)
Bella Ciao

perfnotes: stillness during solos (don't play over soloist); then through chorus move around chaotically faster & faster
structure: solo then everybody through chorus (3X each one faster); repeat
2 Dom

perfnotes: 2nd bar sunrise sing "Hut...Hut...Hey!" if not playing the melody
structure: As written:

Intro: 4-bar ~vamp

1mod = Section 1 modified: high soloist featured 'response'; to 'call' of main low-brass voices SOFTER with shortened phrase-ending notes

2mod = Section 2 modified: low soloist featured 'response'; to 'call' of main high-brass voices SOFTER with shortened phrase-ending notes

Old descriptions:

This song has 2 melodies which I am arbitrarily calling sunrise and sunset

(and I am lumping in soprano / alto saxes with trumpet and tenor saxes with trombones and bari saxes with base)

1 - sunrise trombone
2 - sunrise trumpet
3 - sunset trumpet
4 - sunset trombone

For solos we go back to "sunrise", and the soloist can play off the melody call and response style. Ideally trumpets play call when it's a trombone solo and vice versa.

After solos, ending is pretty much everyone but basses play the first part of sunset and then "HEY!"

So arrangement has
High Parts:
C - Melodica
Bb - Trumpet (Clarinet, Soprano Sax)
Eb - Alto Sax

Mid Parts
C - Trombone
Bb - Tenor (Baritone TC)

Low Parts
C - Tuba
Eb - Bari Sax
2 Kirk, Declan, Dan
Take On Me

perfnotes: * All woodwinds are doubled so clarinets (and soprano sax) play tenor sax part (not trumpet)
* The Dynamics in this one can be really SWELL (get it?)
* Part C Bar 9, 10, 11 has a critical drum part on beat *3* (LMB entertainingly had this as a virbaslap) - if you listen to the original ( ) @ 1:05 you can hear it - the original doesn't overemphasize it but it can be really set a cool sounding pace

relative to LMB - I shared that B part that was Flute + Clarinet to Sax, put the trumpets + trombones back in for a backing part at D, and pretty much got rid of all of their part E (which was mostly duplicating themes done earlier in the song). but we are shamelessly stealing their novelty ending
structure: A intro meoldy
B lyric melody
C take-on-me chorus
D bridge
repeat A B C then jump to
E - solo x 4, then every one sings it one more time
2 Kirk...
I'm Coming Home Baby

perfnotes: Intro: after slow, conducted opening,
bass drum starts beating 1,2,3,4,5 (shown as X notes)
and melody starts playing after mentally hearing "4 and one"

leader then can do call/response for solos

ending is "triple tag", like last 4 bars or so 3 times.
1 Dom, Dan, Declan (Ben)
Para Los Rumberos

1 Dan, Declan (Ben, Noam)
Space Cadodyssey

structure: This song is Also Sprach Zarathustra plus "Space Cadet" (our version of the melody from Moon Patrol as played on the Atari 2600)

Start with 2001, last note held for 4 than a fall, than tuba/bass starts with Space Cadet bass... then main melody, then solos, then main melody again
1 Kirk Dom (Noam)
Grazin' in the Grass

perfnotes: During vamp lean left-then- right-then-left in time
structure: Leigh starts on Cowbell alone...

Ending (as written, on old sheet):
Section "3" repeats twice like always, followed by just drums continuing, then the chromatic run to end, and finally high instruments drop and bones/low voices hit low sustained note.
1 Dom, Dan, Declan
Mama Don't Allow

structure: Play "Saints"
Repeat: [Sing Verse Setting up sectional, then do Sectional]
Play "Saints"
1 Daveed, Declan (Marsha)
Just a Closer Walk (Gospel Medley)

structure: Start: 2-3-4-1
Drums: shuffle

At end of each of the four main phrases, instead of long sustained note as written, cut that note off short (and freeze, see choreo below); drums get especially loud and splashy for the bar or two in the gap.

(In the gap after the third phrase be sure to let the tuba/bass voices do their descending line of notes alone)

Ending: All horns hold final note long (contrasting all other times)-- count it through, only slight decelerando, tuba descending notes to end.
1 Matt, Dan, Cathleen
Bluey Theme

structure: ("one time" here means the 4 bar phrase, even though that has 2 similar parts)
bass once
then melody twice - "MOM!"
bass once
then melody twice - "DAD!"
bass once
then melody twice - "BINGO!"
then bass once
then melody twice - "BLUEY!"

(drums can join in and stay pretty steady w a Bo Diddley beat, picking up tempo from bass, and watching big breath to start bass part)
1 Kirk
Blues for Glen

1 Declan, Dan
African Marketplace

structure: A B A B drumbreak C D C D
1 Marsha, Tim
Ring of Fire

perfnotes: Dynamics: 1 loud, 2 soft, 3 loud, 4 soft
structure: Drum Intro (not on chart)- hoofbeat:

3 measures (loud. soft. soft.) to stop

then 3 beats silent, horns lead in to section 1

Three Parts:
1 is the trumpet bridge (one time through first two times
second time ) - louder

2 is "love is a burning thing" - softer

3 is "I fell down" - louder

current idea is to have trombones play first,
then all saxes (soprano and clarinet should play tenor sax part not trumpet), then maybe all together, and ending trades of the phrase "the ring of fire", finally on unison
0 Marsha, Kirk, Dan
Second Line-Joe Avery

0 Kirk, Matt, Dan, Tim
Bye Bye Blackbird

structure: Unison Start
After Vocal Solo,Horns come in 2 bars early
Sesame Street

0 Kirk, Marsha, Noam, Dan
Feel Like Funkin It Up

structure: Tuba line
Syncopated back-up line
Trumpet melody to bridge (x2)
Sectional solos with whole band backup and bridge between
Syncopated back-up line
Trumpet melody to bridge to end
0 Matt, Ben, Dan, Declan, Tim
Tainted Love

We Got That Fire

0 Dan, Tim
This Little Light Of Mine

perfnotes: group sing: this little light of mine; dontcha blow my little light out; all around jp. Light and quick
structure: alternate verses by instruments and vocals, end with stinger
0 Matt, Declan, Dan

structure: Opening: count 4 in, to brash all-horns intro

Ending: all hold 2nd to last note; leaders stops it, for brief gap; then bass line leadin notes to final max-volume blatt!-blatt! by all.
0 Eze, Kirk, Dan, Tim, (Noam)
Sweet Georgia Brown

0 Matt, Dan
Seven Nation Army

perfnotes: during 8th-notes prior to and after chorus, point body right/down during first 8 (softer) then left/up during second 8 (louder)
structure: be careful, 8th-note phrase is ONCE before chorus,TWICE after it
0 Kirk, Dan
Do Whatcha Wanna

structure: 1 starts with 1 voice, then 2 then all band

solo 2,3 (repeat)
2,1,2 end

Everybody, needs somebody... x4
Do watcha wanna!
0 Declan, Dan, Tim, (Marsha, Kirk)
Joshua (fit the battle of jericho)

perfnotes: Ending note all tip over like a crumbling falling wall
structure: as conducted: tuba on part 1/ one horn section on part 1 / add in other section on part 1 / all on part 2 / solos alternating w/allonpart1/allonpart2/ all on part 1
0 Kirk
Beatles Birthday - short

perfnotes: First play the traditional birthday song, normal/slow speed... can end like normal OR hold the SECOND TO LAST note for for four beats, then:

Tuba leads into Beatles Birthday section A. Play section A as instruments, then with vocals, then a third/final time as instruments. Ending is triple-tag by tuba/bass (other voices silent).

0 Kirk (Ben)
Iko Iko

0 Marsha
El Pueblo Unido

0 Tom (Ben)
I'll Fly Away (Gospel Medley)

0 Matt, Cathleen
Mercy Mercy Mercy

perfnotes: Each time through section 2, start by crouching low and playing soft, then gradually get louder & stand taller
structure: bass intro/outro; Clap and get audience clapping right at start (as well as ending)
0 Matt, Kirk, Dan, Tim
A cimma

perfnotes: generally still and respectful (of the sacrifice that went in to the soup!)
structure: Lynette opens alone, Matt closes alone
0 Tom
When The Saints Go Marching In

0 Declan
Down By The Riverside

0 Declan, Dan
Du Mouvement Social

structure: Current Arrangement:
A1 (Bass)
A2 (Bass + Trombone)
A3 (Bass + Trombone + Woodwinds)
A4 (Percusion Enters Halfway Through)
B x 2 (+ Trumpets)

C1 "Du Mouvement, Du Mouvement [BEAT] Du Mouvement Social" x 2 "Social Justice Social Justice [BEAT] Social Justice Now x 2

A1 -tuba comes in during the second half of C1 (english chant)




Bx2, then end of repeated first phrase of B

0 Declan, Kirk (Ben)
La Murga de Panama

0 Matt, Tom
All Of Me

Ain't They Sweet?

structure: Tuba walkdown intro, half time ending
-1 Matt, Dan

structure: tuba opening : (G,G Gb,Gb F Gb G)x2, triple tag ending
-1 Matt, Dan
Exactly Like You

structure: unison intro, half time ending
-1 Matt, Dan
Watermelon Man

perfnotes: During second part of each solo, take steps in time with underbeat, moving toward soloist; drop back at end of solo
-1 Duane, Kirk, Dan
Let's Go Overcome

I Can't Give You Anything But Love

Joy to the World (Jeremiah was a Bullfrog)

perfnotes: Section I = Verse
Section II = Chorus

How to Play it against Christmas Joy to the World in Eb:

Joy to the World (Christmas, then Jeremiah)
Play Christmas Version x 2 (not too slow)
Over last note, Leader Yells "1,2!"
and then bass/trombone do lead into measure 4
(i.e. skip measures of intro but do lead in, Eb E F)
insturmentals play 1 and 2
Singer starts in 1 "Jeremiah was a bull frog"
every one but bass sings 2 ("joy... to the world, all the boys and girls)
then everyone plays 1
then everyone sings 2, slowdown last joyyy to you aaaand meeeeeeeee

structure: (One example shown--leader can choose instr or vocal for each of sections I and II on the fly)

Section I: Vocal (if have vocal solist)
Section II: All Play
Section I: Saxes
Section II: All SING
Section I: Trumpets
Section II: All SING
Section II: " "

-2 Kirk
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